Donate to CitizenGO

Help Caroline pay for her legal fees and defend herself!

Caroline’s story is making news across England, and is swiftly becoming international news.

This is sure to bring even more negative attention and criticism to her and her family… because, if you know Caroline, she will not back down, shut up or apologize for speaking the truth.

For years, Caroline has been targeted by radical LGBTQ activists for her vocal religious beliefs.

She and her family have received threats of abuse and property destruction.  The schools her children attend have been hunted down and named.  Her family has endured endless harassment and abuse.

In addition to her legal defense fees, Caroline is working with her legal team to find ways to hit back against her attackers.

It is my hope that the Defend Caroline and the Family fund will stretch far enough to help her fight back.

But I hope to do much more. I intend CitizenGO to be the leading activist group in the free world defending Life, Family and Freedom ... especially the Freedom to speak the truth boldly and stand up for Christian values.

Your donation will go 100% to aid Caroline in her time of danger, to sue the Surrey Police for its unlawful procedure during the arrest, and to expand our crusade against the dark forces of abortion on demand, gender ideology and sickening LGBTQ perversion of children.

Will you join thousands of others in fighting for Caroline, the family and the truth?

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