Stand with CitizenGO
Against the UN’s
Radical Agenda at CSW68

The UN in New York is about to convene the 68th annual so-called Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) from March 11th to 22nd. 

Despite being promoted as a conference to advance the interests of women everywhere, this Commission is now dominated by radical anti-family feminists whose main agenda is to erode life and family values.

This year's session repeats one of its obsessions: imposing LGBT propaganda, pushing Comprehensive Sexuality Education and gender ideology in the U.S. and around the globe. But they include a dangerous detail: the transgender madness.

They, with the oversight of the WHO, even advocate in favor of highly harmful puberty blockers and gender-change surgeries for teenagers and young people, many of which are irreversible.

In fact, they have gone so far in this push that CitizenGO and other pro-life and pro-family groups might be banned from any hosting side and parallel events, yet this is allowed with pro-abortion groups.

The UN elites are terrified by the truth; that is why they are shutting us up!

With your support, CitizenGO will fight to ensure your voice is heard. These are some of the actions we have planned: 

  • From posters to newspaper ads, bus banners, and direct street action, CitizenGO will cover New York with the truth that the UN is afraid to let us say.
  • Our message will be boldly thrust in the face of the UN delegates upon arrival.
  • And then, we will pour the pressure on selected delegations to remove all language promoting abortion and gender ideology.

Our victory at last year’s CSW was a testament - we beat them before, and with your help, we can definitely beat them again!

Will you contribute today to help CitizenGO stand and speak the truth at the CSW in New York? 

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