{"uerror":"Unexpected error: {error_code}", "error":{"1" :"Error", "100":"Expired credit card", "101":"Credit card blacklisted", "102":"Operation not allowed for the credit card type", "103":"Please, call the credit card issuer", "105":"Insufficient funds", "106":"Credit card not registered or not logged by the issuer", "107":"Data error. Validation Code", "108":"PAN Check Error", "109":"Expiry date error", "110":"Data error", "111":"CVC2 block incorrect", "112":"Please, call the credit card issuer", "113":"Credit card not valid", "114":"The credit card has credit restrictions", "115":"Card issuer could not validate card owner", "116":"Payment not allowed in off-line authorization", "118":"Expired credit card. Please capture card", "119":"Credit card blacklisted. Please capture card", "120":"Credit card lost or stolen. Please capture card", "121":"Error in CVC2. Please capture card", "122":"Error en Pre-Transaction process. Try again later.", "123":"Operation denied. Please capture card", "124":"Closing with agreement", "125":"Closing without agreement", "126":"Cannot close right now", "127":"Invalid parameter", "128":"Transactions were not accomplished", "129":"Duplicated internal reference", "130":"Original operation not found. Could not refund", "131":"Expired preauthorization", "132":"Operation not valid with selected currency", "133":"Error in message format", "134":"Message not recognized by the system", "135":"CVC2 block incorrect", "137":"Credit card not valid", "138":"Gateway message error", "139":"Gateway format error", "140":"Credit card does not exist", "141":"Amount zero or not valid", "142":"Operation canceled", "143":"Authentification error", "144":"Denegation by security level", "145":"Error in PUC message. Please contact PayTPV", "146":"System error", "147":"Duplicated transaction", "148":"MAC error", "149":"Settlement rejected", "150":"System date/time not synchronized", "151":"Invalid card expiration date", "152":"Could not find any preauthorization with given data", "153":"Cannot find requested data", "154":"Cannot operate with given credit card", "155":"This method requires activation of the VHASH protocol", "504":"Transaction already cancelled", "505":"Transaction originally denied", "506":"Confirmation data not valid", "508":"Transaction still in process", "510":"Refund is not possible", "512":"Card issuer not available right now. Please try again later", "527":"TransactionType desconocido", "538":"Not cancelable operation", "555":"Could not find the previous operation", "556":"Data inconsistency in cancellation validation", "557":"Delayed payment code does not exists", "562":"Credit card does not allow preauthorizations", "563":"Data inconsistency in confirmation", "567":"Refund operation not correctly specified", "568":"Online communication incorrect", "569":"Denied operation", "1000":"Account not found. Review your settings", "1001":"User not found. Please contact your administrator", "1002":"External provider signature error. Contact your service provider", "1003":"Signature not valid. Please review your settings", "1004":"Forbidden access", "1005":"Invalid credit card format", "1006":"Data error: Validation code", "1007":"Data error: Expiration date", "1008":"Preauthorization reference not found", "1009":"Preauthorization data could not be found", "1010":"Could not send cancellation. Please try again later", "1011":"Could not connect to host", "1012":"Could not resolve proxy address", "1013":"Could not resolve host", "1014":"Initialization failed", "1015":"Could not find HTTP resource", "1016":"The HTTP options range is not valid", "1017":"The POST is not correctly built", "1018":"The username is not correctly formatted", "1019":"Operation timeout exceeded", "1020":"Insufficient memory", "1021":"Could not connect to SSL host", "1022":"Protocol not supported", "1023":"Given URL is not correctly formatted and cannot be used", "1024":"URL user is not correctly formatted", "1025":"Cannot register available resources to complete current operation", "1026":"Duplicated external reference", "1027":"Total refunds cannot exceed original payment", "1028":"Account not active. Please contact PayTPV", "1029":"Account still not certified. Please contact PayTPV", "1030":"Product is marked for deletion and cannot be used", "1031":"Insufficient rights", "1032":"Product cannot be used under test environment", "1033":"Product cannot be used under production environment", "1034":"It was not possible to send the refund request", "1035":"Error in field operation origin IP", "1036":"Error in XML format", "1037":"Root element is not correct", "1038":"Field DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT incorrect", "1039":"Field DS_MERCHANT_ORDER incorrect", "1040":"Field DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE incorrect", "1041":"Field DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY incorrect", "1042":"Field DS_MERCHANT_PAN incorrect", "1043":"Field DS_MERCHANT_CVV2 incorrect", "1044":"Field DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE incorrect", "1045":"Field DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL incorrect", "1046":"Field DS_MERCHANT_EXPIRYDATE incorrect", "1047":"Field DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTSIGNATURE incorrect", "1048":"Field DS_ORIGINAL_IP incorrect", "1049":"Client not found", "1050":"Preauthorization amount cannot be greater than previous preauthorization amount", "1100":"Card diary limit exceeds", "1103":"ACCOUNT field error", "1104":"USERCODE field error", "1105":"TERMINAL field error", "1106":"OPERATION field error", "1107":"REFERENCE field error", "1108":"AMOUNT field error", "1109":"CURRENCY field error", "1110":"SIGNATURE field error", "1120":"Operation unavailable", "1121":"Client not found", "1122":"User not found. Contact PayTPV", "1123":"Invalid signature. Please check your configuration", "1124":"Operation not available with the specified user", "1125":"Invalid operation in a currency other than Euro", "1127":"Quantity zero or invalid", "1128":"Current currency conversion invalid", "1129":"Invalid amount", "1130":"Product not found", "1131":"Invalid operation with the current currency", "1132":"Invalid operation with a different article of the Euro currency", "1133":"Info button corrupt", "1134":"The subscription may not exceed the expiration date of the card", "1135":"DS_EXECUTE can not be true if DS_SUBSCRIPTION_STARTDATE is different from today.", "1136":"PAYTPV_OPERATIONS_MERCHANTCODE field error", "1137":"PAYTPV_OPERATIONS_TERMINAL must be Array", "1138":"PAYTPV_OPERATIONS_OPERATIONS must be Array", "1139":"PAYTPV_OPERATIONS_SIGNATURE field error", "1140":"Can not find any of the PAYTPV_OPERATIONS_TERMINAL", "1141":"Error in the date range requested", "1142":"The application can not have a length greater than 2 years", "1143":"The operation state is incorrect", "1144":"Error in the amounts of the search", "1145":"The type of operation requested does not exist", "1146":"Sort Order unrecognized", "1147":"PAYTPV_OPERATIONS_SORTORDER unrecognized", "1148":"Subscription start date wrong", "1149":"Subscription end date wrong", "1150":"Frequency error in the subscription", "1151":"Invalid usuarioXML", "1152":"Invalid codigoCliente", "1153":"Invalid usuarios parameter", "1154":"Invalid firma parameter", "1155":"Invalid usuarios parameter format", "1156":"Invalid type", "1157":"Invalid name", "1158":"Invalid surname", "1159":"Invalid email", "1160":"Invalid password", "1161":"Invalid language", "1162":"Invalid maxamount", "1163":"Invalid multicurrency", "1165":"Invalid permissions_specs. Format not allowed", "1166":"Invalid permissions_products. Format not allowed", "1167":"Invalid email. Format not allowed", "1168":"Weak or invalid password", "1169":"Invalid value for type parameter", "1170":"Invalid value for language parameter", "1171":"Invalid format for maxamount parameter", "1172":"Invalid multicurrency. Format not allowed", "1173":"Invalid permission_id – permissions_specs. Not allowed", "1174":"Invalid user", "1175":"Invalid credentials", "1176":"Account not found", "1177":"User not found", "1178":"Invalid signature", "1179":"Account without products", "1180":"Invalid product_id - permissions_products. Not allowed", "1181":"Invalid permission_id -permissions_products. Not allowed", "1185":"Minimun limit not allowed", "1186":"Maximun limit not allowed", "1187":"Daily limit not allowed", "1188":"Monthly limit not allowed", "1189":"Max amount (same card / last 24 h.) not allowed", "1190":"Max amount (same card / last 24 h. / same IP address) not allowed", "1191":"Day / IP address limit (all cards) not allowed", "1192":"Country (merchant IP address) not allowed", "1193":"Card type (credit / debit) not allowed", "1194":"Card brand not allowed", "1195":"Card Category not allowed", "1196":"Authorization from different country than card issuer, not allowed", "1197":"Denied. Filter: Card country issuer not allowed", "1198":"Scoring limit exceeded", "1200":"Denied. Filter: same card, different country last 24 h.", "1201":"Number of erroneous consecutive attempts with the same card exceeded", "1202":"Number of failed attempts (last 30 minutes) from the same ip address exceeded", "1203":"Wrong or not configured PayPal credentials", "1204":"Wrong token received", "1205":"Can not perform the operation", "1206":"ProviderID not available", "1207":"Operations parameter missing or not in a correct format", "1208":"PaytpvMerchant parameter missing", "1209":"MerchatID parameter missing", "1210":"TerminalID parameter missing", "1211":"TpvID parameter missing", "1212":"OperationType parameter missing", "1213":"OperationResult parameter missing", "1214":"OperationAmount parameter missing", "1215":"OperationCurrency parameter missing", "1216":"OperationDatetime parameter missing", "1217":"OriginalAmount parameter missing", "1218":"Pan parameter missing", "1219":"ExpiryDate parameter missing", "1220":"Reference parameter missing", "1221":"Signature parameter missing", "1222":"OriginalIP parameter missing or not in a correct format", "1223":"Authcode / errorCode parameter missing", "1224":"Product of the operation missing", "1225":"The type of operation is not supported", "1226":"The result of the operation is not supported", "1227":"The transaction currency is not supported", "1228":"The date of the transaction is not in a correct format", "1229":"The signature is not correct", "1230":"Can not find the associated account information", "1231":"Can not find the associated product information", "1232":"Can not find the associated user information", "1233":"The product is not set as multicurrency", "1234":"The amount of the transaction is not in a correct format", "1235":"The original amount of the transaction is not in a correct format", "1236":"The card does not have the correct format", "1237":"The expiry date of the card is not in a correct format", "1238":"Can not initialize the service", "1239":"Can not initialize the service", "1240":"Method not implemented", "1241":"Can not initialize the service", "1242":"Service can not be completed", "1243":"OperationCode parameter missing", "1244":"bankName parameter missing", "1245":"csb parameter missing", "1246":"userReference parameter missing", "1247":"Can not find the associated FUC", "1248":"Duplicate xref. Pending operation.", "1249":"[DS_]AGENT_FEE parameter missing", "1250":"[DS_]AGENT_FEE parameter is not in a correct format", "1251":"DS_AGENT_FEE parameter is not correct", "1252":"CANCEL_URL parameter missing", "1253":"CANCEL_URL parameter is not in a correct format", "1254":"Commerce with secure cardholder and cardholder without secure purchase key", "1255":"Call terminated by the client", "1256":"Call terminated, incorrect attempts exceeded", "1257":"Call terminated, operation attempts exceeded", "1258":"stationID not available", "1259":"It has not been possible to establish the IVR session", "1260":"merchantCode parameter missing", "1261":"The merchantCode parameter is incorrect", "1262":"terminalIDDebtor parameter missing", "1263":"terminalIDCreditor parameter missing", "1264":"Authorisations for carrying out the operation not available", "1265":"The Iban account (terminalIDDebtor) is invalid", "1266":"The Iban account (terminalIDCreditor) is invalid", "1267":"The BicCode of the Iban account (terminalIDDebtor) is invalid", "1268":"The BicCode of the Iban account (terminalIDCreditor) is invalid", "1269":"operationOrder parameter missing", "1270":"The operationOrder parameter does not have the correct format", "1271":"The operationAmount parameter does not have the correct format", "1272":"The operationDatetime parameter does not have the correct format", "1273":"The operationConcept parameter contains invalid characters or exceeds 140 characters", "1274":"It has not been possible to record the SEPA operation", "1275":"It has not been possible to record the SEPA operation", "1276":"Can not create an operation token", "1277":"Invalid scoring value", "1278":"The language parameter is not in a correct format", "1279":"The cardholder name is not in a correct format", "1280":"The card does not have the correct format", "1281":"The month does not have the correct format", "1282":"The year does not have the correct format", "1283":"The cvc2 does not have the correct format", "1284":"The apiID parameter is not in a correct format", "1288":"The splitId parameter is not valid", "1289":"The splitId parameter is not allowed", "1290":"This terminal don't allow split transfers", "1291":"It has not been possible to record the split transfer operation", "1292":"Original payment's date cannot exceed 90 days", "1293":"Original split tansfer not found", "1294":"Total reversal cannot exceed original split transfer", "1295":"It has not been possible to record the split transfer reversal operation"}}